Warm greetings to you all my loyal friends, Hello in my article this time I would like to introduce to you an amazing project known as project MFTU.
MFTU has a goal to protect the development of music in the future, because of the rise of piracy and also various multiplying legality, making the more sad the fate of the people who work in the field of music. This project provides a permanent resolution to the gaps that threaten the future of the music industry.
The MFTU Token represents a truly digital, fair, and cryptographic Criteria Performance Organization for Independent Artists. Protect their rights and payments throughout the world!. Smart Contract token MFTU will implement the ERC-20 standard using OpenZeppelin libraries that have been tested and reviewed and audited thoroughly by professional experts at Quantstamp.
The Internet and mobile devices have changed the development of music in penyiaranya throughout the world. In the spreader area creations music an artist or musician is no ordinary payment method called royalty through intermediaries the Government as reward or award on pertujunjukan music or creative they already show.
In the expansion, the very traditional way because in addition to involve third parties, all royalty is not carried to the artists as well as musicians. In addition many obstacles such as the laws that govern.
Therefore, the MFTU project created a model of the online royalty payments using blockchain technology which is placed above the ethereum decentralized network. To smooth his net project, supported by the binary token MFTU named "CYFM" (CyberFM) and "MFTU" as a token than the MFTU itself

The invention of blockchain technology is transforming so many sectors of the global economy, ranging from entertainment, finance, health, Agriculture etc. Due to the transparent, decentralized and trust-less nature of this disruptive technology, many new projects are getting integrated into it on a daily basis. No wonder, THE MAINSTREAM FOR THE UNDERGROUND is taking this huge step of liberating the career of Artist, from those talents that are yet to be discovered, to the upcoming, as well as the music stars through the use of a decentralized platform of the cryptocurrencies. It will interest you to know that music cuts across all ages form infancy, childhood to old age. Also music is represented in every culture, it’s usually described as the food of the soul.

in this project CYFM tokens and MFTU plans will be used as a universal payment instrument accepted in the International and will be closely monitored. However, this token does not have the role of profit and success of Cyber FM company and also this Token is not sold on CyberFM site or in other words there is no Initial Coin Offerings (ICO)
The two tokens (MTFU and CYFM) are used in creating a global payment and reward system. They can also be used in paying as loyalty rewards to artist for every performance all the time across the globe. The two utility tokens will also be used for online registration for radio membership and other form of registrations.
MAINSTREAM FOR THE UNDERGROUND has been running an online Radio for about 10 years now, since 2007, they are not new, and rather they only nursed and executed a new idea that will promote music and Artist globally, and get it integrated into the blockchain. This idea, in my opinion has brought breakthrough and a great relieve to the entire Artist and music industry globally, as they will be given a level playing ground on a decentralized platform and also get paid for their performance.

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